When I was in college and taking Education courses we had to take a class called "Educational Psychology". It was taught by the dean of the Education Department, Dr. Clark. Dr. Clark was in many ways the quentisential professor. He loved to teach, and he especially loved to befuddle his students!
We would go 'round and 'round in class on one of his favorite topics: Movitivation. Specifically, we would debate the differences between intrinsic motivation (motivation of oneself) and extrinsic motivation (being motivated by external factors). Dr. Clark loved to take the position that there was really no such thing as extrinsic motivation. In fact, ALL motivation is intrinsic, its just a matter of finding the external simulus that will convince the individual that something is worth doing - and then that person motivates themselves.
I still believe to this day that it is really just a semantic argument. Anyone who's ever been spanked by a parent - or modified their behavior in fear of the paddle or to earn a treat or reward - knows that extrinsic motivation does in fact exist whatever you may call it.
Which brought me in my early morning shower musing (showers are wonderful places to think, so few distractions) to the topic of terrorism. It has become fashionable of late to blame the USA for terrorist attacks against the USA. That our arrogance or violent actions undertaken in attempting to stop terrorists simply make or motivate more young muslim men to become terrorists.
I thought about this, and Dr. Clark's arguments. What I cannot get past is just how a generally rational human being goes from loving life to wanting to blow himself up along with several other innocent bystanders? Is that kind of action really motivated by any one traumatic or even a series of traumatic events?
No. In the end, no stable, sane person wants to blow themselves up to gain any end. To reach that point requires some truly creative and persuasive EXTRINSIC motivation. Or at least a very good bribe.
So why exactly do these young men line up to blow themselves up in the service of their god? Being a man myself, I can really only think of one explanation: Lust.
Consider what the young Jihadist is promised should he fulfill his mission. 72 houri, interpreted by the Immams as perpetual virgins, nubile and young and literally begging to be the one allowed to pleasure you first, with 71 more to follow. Add in the promise of being pampered, living in luxury and oppulence.
Basically, they're promised eternity as Hugh Heffner, without the VD or inevitable old age. All this from a position of possibly never being allowed to marry, or at best scratching out a living in a poor country with crushing poverty.
Now THAT'S motivation.
So, my liberal friends, please feel free to continue to act stupidly and disarm before the rising enemy tide, but please, place the blame where it belongs.
Or we're all going to be getting mandatory motivational therapy.
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