Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dishwashers are evil...

I have come to the conclusion that the dishwasher, while an ingenious and inventive time-saving device, is evil.

Yes, evil.


I'm so glad you asked! :)

A week or so ago my daughter gave up on ours. You see, it has a bad habit of taking the food and stuff that comes in on the plates and turning it into a fine grit which it deposits on the glasses and cups in the upper rack. Most of these are plastic cups used every day, and it has become common for Mother to go to the cabinet and toss several with grit in them back into the sink to be re-washed before finding a clean cup to use.

This tossing was usually accompanied by a call for the daughter to remove herself from her current work and repair to the kitchen where the task of scrubbing the now dried on and barnacle-like grit off of the offending cups.

Now, my daughter is a great daughter but she does not like scraping barnacles any more than you or I would, so this duty was not relished by any means. It had also led to a general dislike of doing dishes, as the only remedy was to rinse glasses thoroughly and if that didn't work to go ahead and scrub them out completely when the wash cycle was done. Since they generally came out dirtier than when they went in this led to grumbling and then one day to an idea: Why not just wash the things by hand to begin with?

So a wire dish rack was purchased and the hand-washing began. Almost immediately a couple of breakthrough discoveries were made. First, dishes washed immediately after use are far easier to clean. The second was that dishes washed and rinsed with hot water dry very quickly in open air when properly racked.

Suddenly dishes, while still not the favorite thing to do, aren't quite so bad...

Enter Dad. Dad, expecting a counter full of dirty dishes from the day and possibly the day before's culinary enterprise. Dad, who is no more a fan of doing dishes than anyone else, braced for the onslaught of dirty china. Dad...

...seeing clean counters and dishes washed, dried and put away in cabinets.

And so it has remained far more often than before.

Hence my conclusion: Dishwashers (the machines) are evil.

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